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5218 Lawton Avenue
Oakland, CA 94114


Oliver McCrum Wines has been importing small production Italian wine and distributing to fine retail and restaurant establishes throughout California since 1994. Over time, our portfolio of producers has steadily grown to over 45 producers from 15 different regions of Italy. We look for typical Italian wines with clarity and freshness, usually made from indigenous Italian grape varieties using clean, transparent winemaking techniques and no obvious use of oak. 


About Bernard:

Since 1902, the Bernard family has produced a range of liqueurs made mostly from the leaves and flowers of herbs from two high valleys in the Piedmontese Alps. These herbs are picked in the early morning, for peak fragrance, and dried naturally (without heat), then infused in pure alcohol, also without the use of heat, for up to 12 months. The resulting infusion is mixed with spring water from high in the Piedmontese Alps and sugar to make the infusions. Nothing else is added. These are spirits made with the sense of place we normally expect from fine wine, and with the same respect for the raw materials.



abricot liqueur

Made with fresh apricots from the Piedmont village of Cuneo less than an hour away, the kernals are macerated in organic neutral grain spirit for roughly 80 days. The spirit is then sweetened with natural cane sugar and dilluted with mountain spring water. A Hotel Nacional cocktail is a fan favorite with the Abricot, but we also love it in a classic Zombie tiki drink, or even an Apricot Old Fashioned.

Barathier amaro

A blend of 7 botanicals, most notably local, wild Juniper Berries, Angelica, Milfoil (sunflower family), and Gentian, both root and flower. All the herbs are gathered high in the Piedmontese Alps, dried naturally and macerated in alcohol at room temperature with the following imported botanicals: Rhubarb Root, from northwest China; Cinnamon stick, from Ceylon; and China bark, from Ecuador. The flavor is soft, slightly bitter and spicy. It is bottled at 20% alcohol by volume. Served after dinner to aid digestion or with soda and ice as a refreshing spritz. 

genzianella liqueur

Whereas many of the traditional Italian liqueurs are traditionally enjoyed in cities- think Torino, Venice and Milan - Genzianella is an Alpine countryside drink. The tradition there is to drink it after a meal for its digestive properties but the bitter gentian also scrubs the proteins from the palate and refreshes it for more food. We tend to see it reimagined as a cocktail ingredient in the U.S., for both creative and classic recipes.

Sërpoul Thyme Liqueur

Made entirely of flowers and leaves of ‘timo serpillo’ or Breckland Thyme, gathered at 8,500 feet above sea level, at which altitude the aroma is more pronounced, in the Piedmontese Alps. The thyme is dried naturally and macerated in alcohol at room temperature. The liqueur is redolent of thyme aroma and flavor, and also very floral. Drink with soda as an aperitivo, or with Gin and Suze as a cocktail. Bottled at 30% alcohol by volume.

rabarbaro liqueur

The Rabarbaro is made purely from Chinese Rhubarb roots and macerated at room temperature in neutral grain spirits. Finished with organic cane sugar and then diluted with mountain spring water, the result is a wonderfully smoky and savory liqueur with notes of tobacco, leather, and spice.


more information:

Visit the Bernard Website